Saturday, July 1st, 2023
Italian Railways Society AGM & Summer Meet. The Model Railway Club, Keen House, 4 Calshot Street, London N1 9DA. 10:00-16:00. Our annual AGM and meeting, with a photo & film show, bring-and-buy, Society stales, and test tracks in a variety of gauges. £4 admission, with cafe and bar available on site.Located close to Kings Cross station, followed by the traditional scoff fest at Nenno's Pizza at 16:30, which is 5 minutes from the venue.
Sunday, August 20th, 2023
French Railways Society Summer Rendezvous & Exhibition. Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way, Lenham, Kent ME17 2QT. 10:00-16:30. Parking on site; Lenham railway station is one mile walk away. or phone Roger Allen on 01689 871604
Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
European Railways Association Model Railway Show ay the Austin Social Club, 30 Tessall Lane, Longbridge, Birmingham B31 2SF. 10:30-17:00. Parking on site; Longbridge railway station is 1/4 mile away. See or phone ERA Exhibitions Manager Axel Klozenbuecher on 07743 660461.
Saturday-Sunday, November 25-26, 2023
Warley National Model Railway Exhibition; Hall 5, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham B40 1NT; 0945-1800 Saturday and 0945-1700 Sunday, with Advance ticket holders admitted at 0915 on both days.
For more information, or offers to help, please contact:
Andy Housden
on 020 8541 0186, 07551 924220 or